Recent and Future Courses
- Spring 2025
- BIOL 260 - Biostatistics
- BIOL 456/556 - Population Ecology
A Variety of Data-Centered Activities
The following activities were designed and implemented to introduce data-centered approaches using R programming language to General Ecology students. If interested in adapting these activities, do not hesitate in contacting us.
The following laboratory manual was designed and implemented to introduce data-centered approaches using R programming language to Biostatistics students. If interested in adapting these activities, do not hesitate in contacting us.
QUBES Educational Resources. DOI: 10.25334/EWZM-NS95
The following training modules were designed and implemented to introduce primate data exploration and linear modeling using R programming language to undergraduate research students. If interested in adapting these activities, do not hesitate in contacting us.
. QUBES Educational Resources. DOI: 10.25334/T0ZY-PK40