Beach EDGE Criminology & Criminal Justice, B.S. + M.S.
Students in the Beach EDGE Criminology & Criminal Justice program will complete the requirements for both the B.S. in Criminology & Criminal Justice and the M.S. in Criminology & Criminal Justice in one year. Beach EDGE students may double-count up to 12 elective units (4 courses) toward both their B.S. and M.S. degrees. These units must be taken in residence at ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú.
Advisor/Staff Contacts
Dr. Sam Vickovic
3 units of required lower division core courses:
CRJU 101
28 units of required upper division core courses:
CRJU 300, CRJU 301, CRJU 302, CRJU 303, CRJU 304, CRJU 320, CRJU 325, CRJU 330, CRJU 340 or CRJU 350
15 units of any criminology and criminal justice-approved upper division electives:
EMER 301, EMER 401, GEOG 471, CRJU 340, CRJU 350, or any other 400 level CRJU course
3 units of required following Senior Integrative Experience options
CRJU 493 or CRJU 497
6 units of required lower division cognate courses:
POSC 100, PSY 100, or SOC 100
6 units of required upper division cognate electives:
AFRS/AIS/ASAM/CHLS 319, AFRS 332, AFRS 475, CDFS 319, CECS 278, CHLS 375, CLSC 410, GEOG 301, HIST 433, HIST 487, PHIL 352, PHIL 451, POSC 412, PSY 350, PSY 370, RGR 360, RGR 400, SOC 335, SOC 342, SOC 346, SOC 423, SOC 436, SOC 449, WGSS 317, WGSS 370, or WGSS 430
18 units of required core courses:
CRJU 501, CRJU 504, CRJU 520, CRJU 525, CRJU 535, CRJU 555
3-6 units of Culminating Activity Courses:
CRJU 694, CRJU 695, CRJU 697, CRJU 698
12-15 units of Graduate Advisor-approved elective courses:
CRJU 530, CRJU 540, CRJU 550, CRJU 601, CRJU 604, CRJU 606, CRJU 608, CRJU 609, CRJU 621, CRJU 623, CRJU 624, CRJU 631, CRJU 640, CRJU 641, CRJU 642, CRJU 643, CRJU 660, CRJU 661, CRJU 662, CRJU 663, CRJU 670, CRJU 690, CRJU 691, CRJU 692, CRJU 693, CRJU 695, CRJU 697
CRJU 330/530, CRJU 340/540, CRJU 350/550, CRJU 401/601, CRJU 402/602, CRJU 404/604, CRJU 406/606, CRJU 407/607, CRJU 408/608, CRJU 409/609, CRJU 424/624, CRJU 425/625, CRJU 426/626, CRJU 432/632, CRJU 440/640, CRJU 441/641, CRJU 442/642, CRJU 443/64, CRJU 460/660, CRJU 461/661, CRJU 462/662, CRJU 463/663, CRJU 493/693
Eligibility & Admissions
- Applicant is a matriculated undergraduate student at ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú
- Applicant has completed 60 units
- Applicant is a B.S. in Criminology & Criminal Justice Major
- Applicant has earned a ‘B’ or better in CRJU 300, CRJU 301, CRJU 302, CRJU 303, and CRJU 304 at ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú. A student can apply based on an anticipated grade, but in that case, admissions decisions will be delayed until the semester is over, and the final grades can be verified.
- Applicant has a minimum ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú GPA of 3.5
- Applicant completes and signs the Beach EDGE Agreement form (after admission).
- Unofficial Transcripts from ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú and all universities/colleges where prerequisite courses (as stated above) were completed.
- Statement of Purpose - In 3 to 5 double-spaced pages (i.e., 750 word minimum; 1,250 word maximum) discuss all of the following:
- What motivates you to apply for a graduate degree?
- What are your relevant research and practical experiences that qualify you for admission to our MS in criminology and criminal justice program?
- What are your specific areas of interest in criminology or criminal justice practice, policy, and/or research?
- With whom on our faculty would you like to work and why?
- What are your personal goals and objectives for earning a master's degree in criminology & criminal justice?
- Two letters of recommendation from academics, professors, and/or professionals who can evaluate your potential to succeed in graduate school. If your referee is a ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú faculty member, you only need provide their name and email address; please be sure to obtain permission from that faculty member to list them as a reference.
Applications will be reviewed by the CCJ Graduate Committee.
May 1 (for potential enrollment beginning in the upcoming fall semester)