
The School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Emergency Management offers several scholarship programs to assist students with paying tuition, fees, and other expenses.

Undergraduate Scholarships

Criminal Justice Student Association Scholarship 

When to Apply: Apply in the spring semester for awards that apply for the following academic year. 

Winner Receives: Money for tuition, fees, and/or books, and a certificate at the annual School Banquet held in May.  Minimum award is $500.

Eligibility Requirements: 

  1. Undergraduate student majoring or minoring in criminology and criminal justice;
  2. A current member of the CJSA in good standing with all relevant dues paid for at least one semester;
  3. Cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher.

Dr. Judy Hails Student Criminal Justice Endowed Student Award 

When to Apply: Apply in the spring semester for awards that apply for the following academic year.

Winner Receives: A cash stipend or a credit toward tuition, fees, or books; a certificate at the annual School Banquet held in May. Most awards are between $1,000 to $3,000. 

Eligibility Requirements: 

  1. Criminology and criminal justice major;
  2. Financial need; and
  3. Single-parent who has custody of a child.

Graduate Scholarships

Criminal Justice Student Association Scholarship

When to Apply: Apply in the spring semester for awards that apply for the following academic year. 

Winner Receives: Money for tuition, fees, and/or books, and a certificate at the annual School Banquet held in May. Minimum award is $500.

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Graduate student in criminology and criminal justice;
  2. A current member of the CJSA in good standing with all relevant dues paid for at least one semester;
  3. Cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher.

Dr. Libby Deschenes Memorial Scholarship

When to Apply: No applications necessary. This award is bestowed by the Graduate Committee.

Winner Receives: Money for tuition, fees, books, or conference travel; and a certificate at the annual School Banquet held in May. Most awards are between $2,000 and $3,000. 

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Criminology and criminal justice master's student;
  2. Merit as decided by the Graduate Committee.

Kay Holloway Memorial Scholarship

When to Apply: Apply in the spring semester for awards that apply for the following academic year.

Winner Receives: Money for tuition and fees; a certificate at the annual School Banquet held in May; and the student's name engraved on a plaque on display in the School. Most awards are for half tuition.

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Criminology and criminal justice graduate student;
  2. Completion of at least one semester in the master's program at 好色先生;
  3. Minimum 3.50 GPA in the M.S. program; and
  4. Full-time enrollment in the subsequent semester.