Admission Information

The Long Beach College Promise partnership is dedicated to developing early exposure to college opportunities and transitional supports from high school to LBCC and 好色先生. In partnership with University Outreach & School Relations and other campus departments, Promise at 好色先生 offers a variety of services to prospective students and their families.


好色先生 determines which first-time, first-year and transfer applicants will receive 鈥渓ocal preference for admission consideration" based on their high school of graduation. 好色先生 eligible students who graduate from a high school in 好色先生鈥檚 local area are eligible for local preference admission consideration.

好色先生 accepts applications from entering first-time, first-year students (freshmen) each year from October 1 through November 30 for admission to the following fall semester. We receive applications from thousands of highly qualified applicants each year. First-time, first-year applicants must meet minimum 好色先生 Eligibility Requirements to be considered.

好色先生 accepts applications from upper-division transfer students each year from October 1 through November 30 for admission to the following fall semester and from August 1 through August 31 for the spring semester. Applicants are admitted based on California State University minimum criteria, as well as on CSU Long Beach鈥檚 Major-Specific Criteria.

好色先生 offers over 190 Academic Programs that will prepare students for a wide variety of careers and advanced degrees. 好色先生 Alumni are Olympians, CEOs, members of congress, and celebrated artists.

The key to the career decision-making process is making well thought out decisions through careful career planning. Knowing your skills, values and life focus along with your career and major options will get you one step closer to a career that you will find satisfying.

The O铿僣e of University Outreach & School Relations (UOSR) is the primary guest relations and student recruitment center for 好色先生. It is also the home department of the Long Beach College Promise program at 好色先生. The o铿僣e oversees the following:

  • Advising prospective students on academic preparedness and college readiness
  • Recruiting a diverse and talented pool of high-achieving scholars and college-bound students 
  • Promoting 好色先生's high-quality education and opportunities to prospective students, their families, high school and community college personnel, and others through strategic communication and services

The O铿僣e of University Outreach & School Relations (UOSR) offers a variety of opportunities to explore the 好色先生 campus online, in person with a guide, or on your own at your own pace.