Fee Category II

Version Dated: 05/23/2022


Campus mandatory fees that must be paid to enroll in or attend the university.
For more information, please read the Request for Consultation, Category II Fees.


Includes other than Category I fees due at registration: Facility Fee; Associated Students Inc; Instructionally Related Activities; University Student Union; Materials Services & Facilities; Health Services; and Student Excellence Fee


The chancellor is delegated authority for the establishment, oversight and adjustment of Category II fees.


  • Fee Advisory Committee - The fee advisory committee will consider proposals and make a recommendation to the president.
  • President - The president is delegated authority for the oversight and adjustment of Category II fees. The policy presumes that a student fee referendum will be conducted before adjusting or establishing Category II fees. The president, however, may waive the referendum requirement (unless it is required by Education Code or Student Success Fee policy) if he/she determines that a referendum is not the best mechanism to achieve appropriate and meaningful consultation. If a referendum is not conducted prior to adjusting Cat II fees, the president must demonstrate to the fee advisory committee the reasons why the alternative consultation methods selected will be more effective in complying with this policy.


  1. Determine the sub category (as defined below) for the proposed fee action.

  2. Fill out, review and submit the on-line form.

  3. Click on the request access link provided after submission and print the submitted request.

  4. Optional - Attach any supplemental materials that provide further justification (i.e. detailed costs, quotes, comparison rates, etc.).

  5. Obtain signature approval for the information submitted on the form by each of the people included in the Authorization to Submit Request section of the form.

  6. Route the original form with approval signatures and supplemental materials (if applicable) to the University Bursar, BH-155.

  7. The Bursar will prepare the proposal for the next Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC) meeting.

  8. The SFAC will consider the proposal and make a recommendation to the President on the actions to ensure that appropriate and meaningful consultation occurs prior to adjusting any fee or requesting a new Category II fee. See Request for Consultation to Adjust or Request a New Category II Fee for additional information.

  9. The Chair of the SFAC (or designee) will report the response of the President to the requestor.

Sub Categories

  • Request a New Fee: Use this request for a new campus mandatory fee that must be paid to enroll in or attend the university.

  • Modify an Existing Fee: Use this request to modify or cancel an existing campus mandatory fee that must be paid to enroll in or attend the university.