Fee Category III

Version Dated: 05/23/2022


Fees associated with state-supported courses. Specifically for materials and services used in concert with the basic foundation of an academic course offering.
For more detail on the authority, responsibility and accountability for category III fees, please read the Miscellaneous Course Fees Policy.


  • Misc. course fees are fees collected for materials, services or use of facilities used in concert with the basic complement of supplies needed for state-supported instruction. May not exceed $150.

  • Fees for courses that require field trips or travel off campus. May not exceed $3,000.

  • Fees exceeding above amounts must be approved by the chancellor.


The chancellor is delegated authority for the establishment, oversight and adjustment of Category III fees.

The president is delegated authority to establish Category III fees at levels established by the chancellor.


  • Fee Advisory Committee - The fee advisory committee will consider proposals and make a recommendation to the president.
  • President - The president is delegated authority for the oversight and adjustment of Category III fees. The president is responsible for assuring that appropriate and meaningful consultation occurs prior to adjusting any fee or requesting a new Category III fee. The president may establish fees within a range established by the chancellor.
  • Chancellor - New fees outside the maximum levels are established by the chancellor per EO.


  1. Determine the sub category (as defined below) for the proposed fee action.

  2. Fill out, review and submit the on-line form.

  3. Click on the request access link provided after submission and print the submitted request.

  4. Optional - Attach any supplemental materials that provide further justification (i.e. detailed costs, quotes, comparison rates, etc.).

  5. Obtain signature approval for the information submitted on the form by each of the people included in the Authorization to Submit Request section of the form.

  6. Route the original form with approval signatures and supplemental materials (if applicable) to the University Bursar, BH-155.

  7. The Bursar will prepare the proposal for the next Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC) meeting.

  8. The SFAC will consider the proposal and make a recommendation to the President.

  9. Misc. course fees are fees collected for materials, services or use of facilities used in concert with the basic complement of supplies needed for state-supported instruction. May not exceed $150.

  10. Fees for courses that require field trips or travel off campus may not exceed $3,000.

  11. Fees exceeding above amounts must be approved by the Chancellor.

  12. The Chair of the SFAC (or designee) will report the President's response to the requestor.

Sub Categories

  • New Student Fees

    • Request a New Fee Modify an Existing Fee: Use this request for a new miscellaneous course fee that does not exceed $150 or new travel course fee that does not exceed $3,000.
    • Request a New Fee Above Approved Ranges: Use this request for a new miscellaneous course fee that exceeds $150 or a new travel course fee that exceeds $3,000. New fees outside the maximum levels are established by the chancellor per EO.


  • Existing Student Fees

    • Modify an Existing Fee Within Approved Ranges: Use this request to modify or cancel an existing miscellaneous course fee that does not exceed $150 or an existing travel course fee that does not exceed $3,000.
    • Modify an Existing Fee Above Approved Ranges: Use this request to modify or cancel an existing miscellaneous course fee that exceeds $150 or an existing travel course fee that exceeds $3,000. Fee modifications above the maximum levels are established by the chancellor per EO.