Emergency Information
In addition to being in compliance with the , the Community Clinic for Counseling & Educational Services has also established it's own emergency management and preparedness procedures in order to promote the safety and security of faculty, staff, students and clients.
- Two 10-person emergency preparedness kits are available.
- Emergency contact cards will be kept on file for all of the underage clients. Clinic staff will take cards to evacuation place if evacuated.
- Emergency Procedure Information posters are hung in all the observation rooms, the observation hallway, and in the Clinic.
- Information on emergency procedures are included in all clinician orientations.
Emergency Procedures (PDF)
- A new form, the Clinic Policy and Procedure Contract, must now be initialed by all student clinicians to show that they know our procedures and agree to abide by them
- Clinic faculty will be asked to provide their own orientation to clients and their parents, during which they would review Clinic procedures, including the emergency plan.
- Emergency information procedures will be added to the annual faculty orientation to Clinic procedures.
The Community Clinic does not provide emergency services of any kind. If you are in need of assistance, please call 911 now!