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ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú Study Abroad Programs
To maximize your study abroad experience, think about where you want to study and how you plan to incorporate these experiences into your studies. Explore these options:
Exchange Programs
Study abroad at one of ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú’s university partners .
Semester Programs
Study abroad with a ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú professor in .
Short-Term Programs
Study abroad on a ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú faculty-led or course.
CSU International Programs
Study abroad through one of the programs for a year or semester.
Independent Programs
Study or intern abroad through an affiliate partner of ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú for a , , or .
Search using our feature for more options based on parameters like major, location, program type, or GPA requirements.
- View our ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú Study Abroad brochure.
- Learn what previous study abroad students had to say about how classes abroad differed from ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú classes.
- View video highlights of how previous study abroad students selected their program destination. For more information, email
- View a video highlighting what previous study abroad students had to say about their housing.
Consider the questions below as you explore the available study abroad options to find programs suitable for your area of study, geographic interests, and career goals.
- Do you have a specific subject area (major/minor) that you want to focus on while abroad
- How much time do you want to spend abroad?
- How does studying abroad fit into your degree completion requirements?
- Does the program have language requirements? If so, do you meet the requirements?
- Is obtaining academic credit important or do you want to go mainly for the experience or to explore family roots?
Geographic Interests
- What countries, cultures, and languages interest you?
- Are there events or issues happening in the location that intrigue you and that you would like to learn more about?
- What is your budget?
- Are you in need of financial assistance to help finance your program?
Career Path
- Are you interested in participating in an internship or service learning opportunity abroad?
- What will boost résumé and/or graduate school applications?