Department Sponsor Requirements

Prospective Exchange Visitors must be carefully screened and selected to ensure that they are eligible for program participation. The process of inviting an Exchange Visitor can often take up to six months.

  • The program is suitable to the Exchange Visitor's background, needs, and experience
  • The Exchange Visitor possesses sufficient proficiency in the English language to participate in his or her program (i.e. the Exchange Visitor possesses adequate English language skills to enable him/her to successfully participate in the program and function independently in the community).
  • The Exchange Visitor has earned at least a bachelor's degree along with appropriate experience in the field of endeavor.

According to U.S. Department of State regulation 22 CFR 62.1:
"The purpose of the [Exchange Visitor] program is to provide foreign nationals with opportunities to participate in educational and cultural programs in the United States and return home to share their experiences, and to encourage Americans to participate in educational and cultural programs in other countries.' The U.S. Department of State monitors the Exchange Visitor Program and relies on the Responsible Officer (RO) and the Alternate Responsible Officers (AROs) in the Center for International Education (CIE) at 好色先生 to ensure compliance with the regulations and purpose of the program."

A professor is an individual primarily teaching, lecturing, observing, or consulting at post-secondary accredited educational institutions, museums, libraries, or similar types of institutions. A professor may also conduct research unless disallowed by the sponsor [22 CFR* 514.4(e)].

  • Length of stay allowed: Maximum of 5 years, depending on previous participation in J鈥1 programs.

Research Scholar
A research scholar is an individual primarily conducting research, observing, or consulting in connection with a research project at research institutions, corporate research facilities, museums, libraries, post-secondary accredited educational institutions, or similar types of institutions. The research scholar may also teach or lecture unless disallowed by the sponsor [22 CFR* 514.4(f)].

  • Length of stay allowed: Maximum of 5 years, depending on previous participation in J鈥恜rograms

Short-Term Scholar
A short-term scholar is a professor, research scholar, specialist, or a person with similar education or accomplishments coming to the United States on a short-term visit for the purpose of lecturing, observing, consulting, training, or demonstrating special skills at research institutions, museums, libraries, post-secondary accredited educational institutions, or similar types of institutions [22 CFR 514.4(b)]. Examples include educators, scientists, research fellows, writers, and museum administrators. The maximum duration of stay is limited to 6 months, and short-term scholars are not permitted to extend their stay.

  • Length of stay allowed: Maximum of 6 months

Expert in a specialized field of knowledge or skill to observe, consult, or demonstrate special skills.

  • Length of stay allowed: Maximum of 1 year

Steps to Invite an Exchange Visitor

Please follow the steps below. If desired, download these steps as a PDF checklist: Steps to Invite and Mentor [PDF]

  1. The academic department identifies a prospective exchange visitor.
  2. The academic department verifies that the prospective exchange visitor meets the standard requirements
  3. The academic department identifies/assigns a faculty mentor who is willing to perform the mentor responsibilities listed below.

Required Documentation
The following supporting documents must be enclosed with the application:  

  1. J-1 Application [PDF]
  2. Documentation of source(s) of funding
  3. Reference letters
  4. Assessment of English proficiency (demonstration of this requirement may be requested by CIE) 
  5. Documentation of foreign degree or U.S. degree appropriate to the field of endeavor
  6. Copies of the passport page showing the expiration date, the visa page, and arrival/departure stamps 
  7. Exchange visitor鈥檚 Curriculum Vitae 
  8. Exchange visitor鈥檚 statement of academic goals
  9. The faculty mentor completes the application, attaches all supporting documents, and obtains the signatures of the Department Chair and College Dean.

The application is then submitted to CIE.

  1. CIE reviews the completed application to confirm the Exchange Visitor鈥檚 eligibility.
  2. Once eligibility is confirmed, the CIE issues the travel document (顿厂鈥2019) necessary for the Exchange Visitor to apply for a J鈥1 visa at a U.S. embassy.
  3. CIE notifies the Faculty Mentor when the process is complete and the 顿厂鈥2019 and Exchange Visitor packets are available for pick up. Each packet contains: 
    1. 顿厂鈥2019 (travel document) 
    2. Welcome Brochure 
    3. Foreign Scholar Registration Form

Faculty Mentor Responsibilities

Before the visitor's arrival, the faculty mentor performs the following:

  • Corresponds with the Exchange Visitor directly 
  • Gathers and prepares all application materials and supporting documents (see above
  • Submits the application to CIE
  • Ships the Exchange Visitor packet (including 顿厂鈥2019) to the Exchange Visitor

Upon arrival, the faculty mentor coordinates the following: 

  • Assists with transportation needs to and from the airport
  • Arranges for office space, campus ID card, technological services
  • Assists with payroll procedures (if applicable)
  • Assists with Social Security Number application (if applicable)
  • Assists with housing alternatives
  • Assists with public transportation information
  • Provides support and assistance to any dependents (spouse or children) of the Exchange Visitor Public school information Social groups, clubs, etc.
  • Refers any immigration-related inquiries to CIE
  • Assists with obtaining any documentation necessary to adjust within the community
    • Drivers License
    • Banking procedures

Exchange Visitor Check-In
The exchange visitor is required to Check鈥怚n at CIE upon arrival. The faculty mentor assists the visitor by calling CIE at 562鈥985鈥4106 and making an appointment for the Exchange Visitor to meet with the Alternate Responsible Officer.

The exchange visitor must bring originals and copies of the following documents to the Check鈥怚n appointment:

  • Passport
  • J鈥1 Visa
  • 顿厂鈥2019
  • Foreign Scholar Registration Form
  • Proof of mandatory health insurance. The health insurance policy must meet the minimum requirements, be available in English, and have coverage dates that cover the entire duration of the program (from Program Start Date to Program End Date on the 顿厂鈥2019)