Using Concept Maps
Electronic tools can help you visually plan and flowchart your lessons, units, ideas. Spending time using specialized software can support you in your future career as a teacher.
For this activity you will create a flow chart showing the organization of your unit. You will need to create the flow chart using computer software such as:
- Word/Pages
- Excel
You must include the California Next Generation Science Standards on which your unit is focused, the names of activities and lessons that will help you address the standards and the order in which activities will be presented. Your literacy connections, interdisciplinary connections and assessments will also be noted. Please note that there are many acceptable ways to organize a unit and many acceptable ways to show the conceptual flow in your organizational chart.
Submitting Your Assignment
Please follow the assignment submission instructions given to you by your instructor. Some instructors may ask you to email the assignment to them, others may prefer that you turn in a paper copy of your work, and some may ask you to submit your work via Beachboard. When in doubt, email your instructor to ask how to submit your work.
Scoring Criteria
Please note that the scoring for this assignment might have multiple parts. In terms of using the program to create the flow chart you are expected meet the standards listed below. Your instructor may also evaluate your flow chart for additional criteria (conceptual flow, addressing all standards to support the big idea, appropriateness of lessons, etc.). The scoring criteria listed below are only for the technical aspects of creating a flow chart.
Meets Standards:
- Flow chart is titled and includes your name
- CA Science Standards are included (No supporting standards are left out)
- Literacy connection is included
- Interdisciplinary connection is included
- At least 3 levels of hierarchy are included
- Activities are listed for each of the standards
- Linking words/descriptions are included on at least 5 connections
- An assessment of the unit is listed
Exceeds Standards:
In addition to the standards above, the flow chart has the following attributes:
- The different hierarchical levels are denoted by changes in shape or color
- Text box describing the order of the unit is included
- Text box describing the assessment is included
- Textbox detailing other pertinent information is included (descriptions of lessons, interdisciplinary notes, children's literature connections, etc.)
- Flowchart shows content and I & E (investigation and experimentation) standards
- Linking words/descriptions are included on more than 5 connections