Virtual Field Trips and Teacher Workshops

Category II: Technology Resources and Experiences

Select one of the activities below. Follow the instructions listed in the activity, then complete the assignment associated with the activity.

Helpful Hint: Install RealPlayer and/or Windows Media Player on the computer being used so the Webcams can be viewed. The page for the site(s) chosen will indicate the plug-in that are needed to view the animals. These are free downloads, but it may take extra time to install the programs.

  1. Visit the
  2. Choose an animal to explore.
  3. Explore the Sites with Webcams. Note when the zoo indicates that the animals featured on the camera are typically active. Be prepared to choose an alternate camera if no animals appear within a reasonable length of time or if the Webcam is unavailable for some reason.
  4. An option instead of Webcams is for children to complete similar activities by observing a pet, animals at home or the zoo, or a birdfeeder or squirrel feeder outside the window or at a near-by park.
  5. Explain what you see on the Webcam display or live animals near home:
    • What is the animal doing?
    • What do you notice about the animal's habitat?
    • How does the animal move?
    • How does the animal interact with others?
    • What else do you think the animal does in this habitat?
    • What do you notice when you look closely at the images?
    • What would a scientist notice about this animal?
  6. View the images from the Webcam once a day or several times during the day. Compare what is the same and what is different. You could choose to view multiple locations, compare how similar animals act differently in the different places.

Imagine that you just completed a virtual class field-trip (or you could in the future). You are now ready to complete the Expedition Assignment. Feel free to look at to help you complete the assignment.

Participate in a teacher workshop from the . There are four parts to this workshop:

The videos are a little under an hour long, in total. If you want to know more about any of the science activities used in the workshops, click the science snack link under the "Dig into the Science" link within the workshop description. This will appear once you select on of the four videos to view.

After you have completed the videos, you are ready to answer the Museum-Based Workshop Assignment.